East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust: Reducing restrictive practice train the trainer
At the end of this 5-day course, participants will
• Have the knowledge and skills to deliver the 2-day Reducing Restrictive Practices course.
• Demonstrate debriefing and facilitation skills.
• Understand the technical aspects of delivering the RRP course.
• Have access to all materials needed to deliver the course.
Day 1 and 2: Reducing Restrictive Practices - Workshop
These two days consist of one day of theory-based workshop and another day of simulation-based activities. The course is designed for ward clinical staff, allied health professionals, and ward security staff who may be called upon to manage incidents of violence and aggression. Its primary objective is to equip professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively reduce restrictive practices in acute settings.
The course will clearly outline support structures, policies, and resources. It will explore the management and leadership qualities required by those in such roles. Participants will engage in a day of classroom-based education covering causes of aggression, risk assessment and management, patient safety, common mental health diagnoses, symptoms, behavior, and the stigma and physical health outcomes faced by patients with Serious Mental Illness. The simulation day will involve a series of scenarios using actors as simulated patients. Debriefing will be employed to assist participants in positive and constructive learning from the experience.
Learning objectives:
Participants will be able to:
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of clinicians and security staff when managing incidents in a hospital setting.
- Increase awareness and knowledge of a range of interpersonal skills in relation to de-escalation.
- Feel more confident when working with mental health presentations in acute settings.
- Understand the role of good quality communication when working with these patients.
- Be more confident in assessing and managing anger and frustration when exhibited by any patient.
- Have a greater understanding of the stigma faced by patients with mental health diagnoses.
- Better understand the role of human factors or non-technical skills, e.g., situational awareness, leadership, team working, in psychiatric emergencies.
- Demonstrate increased confidence in managing common clinical incidents.
- Demonstrate improved interdisciplinary working.
- Use a systematic approach to assess and manage aggression and violence in medical settings.
Day 3 and 4: Maudsley Debrief Skills for Mental Health Simulation plus Toolkit
This part of the course is aligned with Day 1 and 2 of RRP and is facilitated by experienced simulation educators from Maudsley Simulation faculty. It equips participants with the skills and knowledge to deliver RRP within their Trust. These two days provide an overview of debriefing skills used in simulation-based education (SBE) within mental health. The course combines interactive group sessions, case studies, practical examples, workshop activities, demonstrations, and small group practice. Participants will explore the interplay of clinical skills in mental health and debrief practice, enhance their skills and confidence in using a structured debrief model, and navigate key challenges when delivering RRP simulation.
Simulation-Based Education (SBE) has a recognized potential to enhance training, support workforce development, and promote recruitment and retention in psychiatry and mental health. Debriefing skills are essential to realize SBE's full potential. The course provides critical insights into key aspects of RRP Simulation-Based Education (SBE), such as course design alignment with learning objectives, technical setup, actor faculty, practical issues in running simulation training (including adaptation for digital delivery), center management, evaluation, and quality assurance.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will be able to:Increase understanding of key concepts underpinning Simulation-Based Education.
- Gain increased knowledge of structured debrief models in SBE.
- Increase awareness of the interplay between debrief and clinical practice in mental health.
- Increase their confidence in using debrief models in their practice.
- Gain an enhanced ability to adapt debriefing principles flexibly to their requirements.
- Gain a better understanding of the different components required to deliver a successful RRP SBE program.
- Understand the technical requirements to deliver high-fidelity RRP mental health scenarios
Day 5: Maudsley Reducing Restrictive Practices Mental Health Simulation - Over to You
On this final day of the course, participants will apply the skills and knowledge acquired over the previous four days to independently conduct the RRP Simulation day with guidance from the ML faculty. The primary focus will be on enhancing their ability to deliver high-fidelity RRP scenarios and lead facilitated debrief sessions effectively.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to:
- Deliver the RRP Simulation day.
- Understand the technical requirements to deliver high-fidelity RRP scenarios.
- Lead facilitated debriefs with support from the ML faculty.
Course schedule

Group bookings
Discounted rates are available for group bookings. Please contact us for more information. Maudsley Learning has a full range of courses to meet the needs of your organisation. Most can be delivered to you flexibly and tailored to your requirements.

Bespoke courses
We are able to offer custom-made programs, whether digital or face to face, to meet the education and training needs of your organisation in the UK or internationally.

We value research and knowledge-sharing and will continue to contribute to the literature base on mental health education, addressing important research questions in this exciting field.