Bespoke Intervention

Discover how our bespoke services can transform your professional landscape and drive success in today's dynamic world. 

At Maudsley Learning, we understand and value the importance of the wellbeing of employees in the workplace and organisational development activities, in a tailored and specific way that is unique to your needs. Our consultancy team has vast experience and is highly dedicated and passionate to crafting and implementing bespoke, tailored interventions and strategies to cater to your organisation's specific and individual needs. We will work with you to foster a culture of health and wellbeing, and actively engage and support your workforce to empower your organisation to achieve success and thrive in today’s competitive business landscape.

Our Approach

The team specialises in the areas of organisational and occupational psychology. We adopt evidence-based practices in organisational settings to create customized solutions and interventions that address our clients' specific needs, challenges and aspirations, whilst simultaneously providing a positive experience and value for money.

What we can offer you.

We offer a range of readymade services and products which you can browse through across our website. We recognise that your organisation may require a unique approach to organisational development or workplace mental health and wellbeing. Our organisational experts are on hand to partner with you to transform your workplace into an effective and thriving organisation

Book a free, no-obligation 30-minute consultation with one of our organisational experts by contacting

Some examples of our bespoke offers may include the following services:

Training Needs Assessment:

We conduct a comprehensive need assessment to understand the challenges and opportunities within your organisation. This can allow us to gather valuable insights and data that will inform the development of effective interventions. Our team of consultants will work closely with you to identify areas of improvement and design interventions that align with your organisation’s goals and objectives.

Intervention Design and Implementation:

Utilising the information gathered from your needs assessment, we will work closely with you to design and implement customised organisational interventions. We consider factors such as employee preferences, organisational culture, and budgeting restraints to create interventions that are both impactful and sustainable. We will guide you through each step of the process, ensuring that the interventions are tailored to meet the specific needs of your organisation.

Training, Learning and Development:

We provide training and development programmes to equip your employees, teams and leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge to support the workforce. We believe that investing in the development of your workforce is key to creating a positive culture of wellbeing and productivity all essential for the growth and success of an organisation.

Evaluation and Monitoring:

We believe in the importance of measuring the effectiveness of both our own interventions and your organisation’s existing interventions. We will work with you to develop evaluation frameworks and monitor the progress of the implemented interventions. This will allow us to make data-drive adjustments and ensure continuous improvement. We understand that each organisation is unique, and our evaluation and monitoring processes are designed to provide you with valuable insights into the impact of our interventions.